Soul Food

Funnily enough I actually know someone who goes by the moniker Soul Food Scholar. But this blog isn’t about food, it’s about that thing that keeps you ticking in the joy zone: your soul.

Years ago, when I hit my 40’s I was running hard, and I realized I had lost the fun in life. The endless cycle of eat, work, sleep isn’t a good one, is it? Yes, some of us are slightly obsessed with our work (me!) but that’s no excuse to forfeit your wellbeing. Even if you enjoy it as much as I do.

And now, more than ever, we know just how important it is to take good care of ALL of yourself. 

I realized that something had to give in my world and after some soul searching, I concluded that I needed to pursue some activities and hobbies that I might never be great at (perfectionism is another joy-sucker) but that I would simply enjoy doing. So, I picked up golf. I will never be a good golfer (I don’t play enough), but I absolutely love those quiet times in all that green chasing a little white ball around and having a blast. I tried my hand at painting, French and piano.

Taking the pressure off myself to simply enjoy these activities rather than becoming an expert meant I could relax and tap into a part of me that was, frankly, running dry. 

Especially when you’re starting something new, or well into the weeds, you need to remember that your soul needs food and you should feed it. Take time out to consider activities, hobbies, whatever you always wanted to try but were too afraid to for fear of not being good enough, and give it a whirl. You’ll be glad you did!




Sometimes You Got to Lean OUT