How To Get Over A Creative Slump

For any writer, painter, musician, strategist there will be a moment of feeling entirely dried up. Not only will you feel you have nothing in you to give, no well to draw on, you will surely believe that any idea you have is rubbish (I lived in London for 10 years and I think that’s a nicer word than garbage). Yes, rubbish. It’s the weirdest phenomenon. One day you feel like you’ve unlocked that most creative idea, the world surely hasn’t experienced anything like before, right? And then the next day it couldn’t possibly appear more hackneyed. Trite, foolish even. Embarrassing, yes. How do you have the audacity to imagine not only that it was a good idea, but that you were worthy of pulling it off? EVERY artist feels like this at one time or another. So does every founder, I might add. Anyone that is looking to share an idea, create something new. Or just create something.

So, what are some tips for getting out of that space? As a writer there are three things I do to get out of the doldrums, and they might help you too:

1. Look at great art, not to be intimidated, but to be inspired!

a. There is nothing more invigorating than immersing yourself in art that you love and respect to give you fresh perspective, it’s almost like taking a shower – it’s refreshing

2. Take a moment and breathe

a. Again, perspective is a huge help in moments like this and if you’re so wound up in your own head you won’t be able to see the seed of a great idea in what now looks like a pile of rubbish. Chances are there is something worth salvaging there. So, get out of your normal routine, clear your head, and breathe.

3. Remember your WHY – why are you doing this?? If it’s to make money, gain notoriety or validate your existence you’re doing it for the wrong reason. We all, at one point or another, do things for the wrong reasons, we’re human after all. But if you’re going to succeed as a creator, you must have the strength of character to see it for what it is and change course. The right motivation, your WHY is critical. Make sure to hold it up often.

 These may seem like super simple concepts, but I promise you they will help reboot a moment of doubt and despair. Give them a try!


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