Giving Thanks

If you’re reading this right now, most likely you have a lot to be thankful for. You may not think so some days, but if you take a step back and reflect I’ll bet you find there are so many worthy moments, people and experiences in the thankful bucket. 

May I recommend that we all take five minutes out of our day (today!) to get into a quiet space, and remind ourselves of all the things we can give thanks for as this year winds down to a close. And if you’re aware of someone in your world (or the world) that is struggling, why not offer up a prayer of hope for their life, and their future.

My thankful list:

  • I’m thankful for God, who is bigger than me and able to save.

  • I’m thankful for my family near and far, and that includes my chosen family.

  • I am thankful for the work I get to do every day, with people that bring me joy and challenge me.

  • I am thankful for this mighty and beautiful earth, and for those that are working to help preserve it.

  • I am thankful for the peace I live in, as I pray daily for those who are living in war.

  • I am thankful for art, because in all of my dark times, in addition to the hope that comes from faith, it’s been a spark that brings me joy.

  • And I am thankful for the human spirit that, all around me, continues to fight for freedom and love.


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